Top Matches
Highlights —
Last 7 Days
Top Matches will be calculated based on statistics from 2023 and 2024 preseason polls, until the second week of the season
What to Watch matches are generated by combining both opponents' RPI, overall W/L record with additional weight on the last 5 matches, and NFHCA coaches poll ranking.
Highlights matches are generated by combining both opponenets' RPI, overall W/L record, with additional weight on the last 5 matches, NFHCA coaches poll ranking, and whether the match result was an upset.
Each team can only appear once in each Top Matches list.
- Trend arrows indicate whether the team has a winning or losing record on the last 5 matches.
Arrows show on matches within the last two and next two weeks.
Lightning icon indicates an upset match with regard to RPI.